mp3 ringtones for palm centro?
does anyoen know how to get mp3 ringtoens on there?
or anything for the palm OS.
i dont have atreo i hav the new centro.
i need free though im broke :[
anyway to take the music and put it as a ringtone?
or just free ringtones in general for sprint??
Suggestion by Jaz
you can find more free mp3 ringtones when you search through search engine.also try to read the articles of seth miller about mp3 ringtones.hope this help you.
Suggestion by Dr. Ackmadia
OK…here ya go!
#1 Save the mp3 you want to use on your Centro’s memory card.
#2. Now pick up your centro and open it’s file manager
#3 Locate the mp3 you saved on the memory card
#4 Select the mp3 and set it as your ring tone
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can any1 read palms?
can any1 read palms or does any1 no where i can learn to read palms for free preferably online if any1 nos any body language or where i can learn it plz let me no!
Suggestion by christina h
search for your question on ask and it will tell you,
Suggestion by angelique
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Palm Pilot Tungsten E?
i want to put the windows media player on it so i can put music on it. or sumthing that will let me add stuff to it like a software that i can download. if u kno any plz let me kno. i had one but i couldnt get it to work. i got a memory card , sd card or watever for it
Suggestion by fsclaol
Windows Media Player will not work on a Palm OS device.
You can play music on the Palm E with Real Player which was included with the E software package.
Read here:
If you don’t have the original CD go to Real and download the free player here:
Install on the E, get an SD card and you’re good to go.
Good luck…….
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